2016 Spring Rendezvous at Port Browning
Message from our Commodore, Kathie Thompson:
Hi Everyone, What a great rendezvous and AGM. Well, maybe the weather could have been a little warmer and dryer for our buffet dinner under the tent on Sat evening but judging by the conversation and laughter, it didn’t slow us down much. We also helped June Cocking celebrate a major milestone birthday with a cupcake and sparklers. Happy hour on Friday started around 5 and there were still groups chatting after 8:00. The good happy hour treats were a close substitute for dinner. We had 33 attend. Four members were drive-ins and we had 14 boats. We were all very sad to hear that Mary Ellen and Don Spinar have decided to move to Oklahoma and that Wind Dancer is for sale. (now sold) |
Mary Ellen and Don are honorary members which reflects the leadership and effort they have given to CS West over the many years they have belonged. Mary Ellen is a past Commodore and has been the Activities Director for several years. Our rendezvous have been very successful thanks to her co-ordination. Don has done a great job as Newsletter editor and we know he has done many things to help out of the spotlight. Don was our organizer and leader for the very successful San Juan Cruise in 2015.
The AGM on Sunday morning was held in sunshine and warmer temperatures. There will be more information out shortly on the decisions made by the members present. “Election of Officers” was on the agenda but we did not, as usual. have “elections”. Ken Carey and Keith Pettican had indicated their intent to step down. Stephanie Greer also was stepping down for Membership. The positions of Activities Director and Newsletter editor were also , now vacant. However, as usual, members stepped up and a new executive was acclaimed. The 2016-2017 Executive is: > Commodore - Kathie Thompson > Treasurer - Ken Carey > Webmaster - Cliff Kiyooka > Activities - Judy Kiyooka > Membership - Stephanie Greer > Newsletter - Becky Wageman > Technical - Henry Kucera Ken volunteered to do “one more year” and we really appreciate his agreeing to stay on for another term but this will be his fourth year and we will definitely be looking for a new treasurer next year. Stephanie agreed to stay on for her last year. She has been doing membership for CS West for 19 (or is it 20) of our 20 (or is it 21) years of existence. She will have deserved a reprieve next year. We assumed Henry would stay on because he wasn’t there to say “no”. Welcome to the new executive - we are in good hands and there will be lots of energy as we look to celebrate our major anniversary this and next year…more later on this… I know that Judy and Beckie will get lots of help and support in their new roles. MINI RENDEZVOUS The dates and locations of the minis is on the website, under the drop down menu for CALENDARS - in the black bar at the top of the main page. The first one is at Genoa Bay on July 9 and 10. Look for Heron flying the big CS burgee. We’re off to Desolation Sound for some R & R. We will keep an eye out for other CSs for a mini rendezvous. Have a great summer! Fair winds. --Kathie Thompson |
Pt. Browning served us a delicious salmon/roast beef dinner under the pavilion. It rained during the meal but CS people are a hardy bunch - witness last year's bocce tournament held in a monsoon at Telegraph Harbour - and obviously the caterers at Pt. Browning are a hardy bunch too. Thank you for bringing out coffee to warm us up. Much appreciated!
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Happy Birthday, June!